Saturday 5 April 2014

Been Away ;__;

Sorry I haven't been posting lately, I have been away for a week. I won't tell you where for stalker reasons >_< But never mind about that. Luckily, I have recovered from my sickness! I just thought I'd tell you that. And, what I also wanted to talk about is that I watched Julie and Julia, I absolutely love the movie! So if you are thinking of watching that movie, I suggest watching that movie.  Um so yes! I don't know what to really say, as nobody has wrote a comment yet, so I can't really talk with you guys. Even if this doesn't get many views I would really like it if somebody commented so then I could know somebody is really reading this.

Well, I guess I have ran out of things to say so goodbye until next time!

Sorry! I forgot to tell you but my birthday is this week!! :D

Signing off, MysteriousSpiderRabbit. ;)

And here is your picture of a snowflake!!- (I get these from google xD)

Thursday 27 March 2014


Hello! So, um to update you all I would like to say that I'm sick! Yay. At least I have a free day to do nothing today. So I was wondering whether that if people enjoy being sick or hate it.. For me It's just a matter of timing I guess, because like most people, I have busy days and some days where I don't have to do anything! So yes, if you would like to tell me in the comments if you have an account what you think!
Also, I hate how video stores have such expensive overdue prices! Don't you think? I mean, really $18 for 3 days over? That is just unbohlivable  (I spelt it as i would say it ;) ) Um so yes!
I will try to see you soon, and if you could, please share this blog as it would get me more motivated to do better ones!

Signing off, MysteriousSpiderRabbit.

And here is your fun fact about snowflakes! -The world's largest ever snowflake to date found was 38 centimetres wide and 20 centimetres thick. This snowflake occurred at Fort Keogh, Montana, USA on 28 January 1887!
Sorry I had to copy and paste ;__;

Tuesday 25 March 2014


Hello! Um, this is just a little blog post to say that this is a blog for every week or so, but um not actual snowflakes, however maybe if people would like it I could post a picture of snowflakes or a fun fact about them at the end of each blog? I'll see what  I think in the future and also, no pun intended, but I LOVED Frozen. One of my favorite movies since Tangled!

Hehe! ^_^ See you next time!
Signing off, MysteriousSpiderRabbit..